God has acted in history by providing a perfect sacrifice in Jesus to pay for our sins (2 Corinthians 5:21) and in sending His Holy Spirit to enable us to live for Him. Through Jesus we can have a relationship with God that changes us both now and forevermore. Jesus is the reason that the church exists. Jesus is the great King over all the earth who died for us and is coming again soon. When we trust in Jesus’ record instead of our own we are given a new relationship with God which changes everything. When we understand and apply the reality of the Gospel in our hearts we are transformed and given new hope, hence our name iHope. The only proper response to the greatness of who God is Worship.
We will seek to help people become fully devoted followers of Jesus; to become people who are growing in obedience and love. The best venue for growth is godly relationships. In relationship with one another, believers are to speak the truth in love; both encouraging and challenging one another to live in ways that honor God. (Ephesians 4:15; Hebrews 3:13). Jesus teaches us that the church is to be known as a place where love shines forth (John 13:35). iHope will strive to be a place of love and acceptance; a place where people have the freedom to grow into all that God has for them.
God is on mission reconciling the world to Himself in Christ (2 Corinthian 5:19-20) and has called us to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). We will seek to introduce people to Jesus. We will encourage and support further church planting and missions. We will work with other churches that love Jesus and are committed to His Word.
We will actively seek to serve the city and promote its health and renewal. We will seek to love the city as God has loved us in Christ.